Risultati della ricerca: 8

Dott. Massimo Ferrario
INSPYRE 2018 – High energy particle beams with extreme luminosities and ultra-bright beams for energetic radiation sources are ubiquitous tools for studying the structure of matter in a wide range of [Read more]
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Categoria consigliata: STUDENTI

Dott.ssa Viviana Fafone
INSPYRE 2018 – INternational School on modern PhYsics and Research “The MagicLand of Accelerators” is dedicated to accelerators and to their use in physics and for society. [Read more]
Il materiale del presente corso è disponibile solo in lingua inglese
Categoria consigliata: STUDENTI

Dott.ssa Viviana Mutti
INSPYRE 2018 – The National Centre of Oncology Hadrontherapy (CNAO) of Pavia represents one of the most qualified realities in the world landscape of clinical and research activities in this particular [Read more]
Il materiale del presente corso è disponibile solo in lingua inglese
Categoria consigliata: STUDENTI

Dott. Sergio Bertolucci
INSPYRE 2018 – INternational School on modern PhYsics and Research “The MagicLand of Accelerators” is dedicated to accelerators and to their use in physics and for society. [Read more]
Il materiale del presente corso è disponibile solo in lingua inglese
Categoria consigliata: STUDENTI

Dott.ssa A. Malaroda
INSPYRE 2018 – INternational School on modern PhYsics and Research “The MagicLand of Accelerators” is dedicated to accelerators and to their use in physics and for society. [Read more]
Il materiale del presente corso è disponibile solo in lingua inglese
Categoria consigliata: STUDENTI

Dott.ssa Catalina Curceanu
INSPYRE 2018 – INternational School on modern PhYsics and Research “The MagicLand of Accelerators” is dedicated to accelerators and to their use in physics and for society. [Read more]
Il materiale del presente corso è disponibile solo in lingua inglese
Categoria consigliata: STUDENTI

Dott.ssa Antonella Balerna
INSPYRE 2018 – Synchrotron light (also known as synchrotron radiation) is the electromagnetic radiation emitted when charged particles moving at really high speed, near the speed of light [Read more]
Il materiale del presente corso è disponibile solo in lingua inglese
Categoria consigliata: STUDENTI

Dott. Angelo Bassi
INSPYRE 2018 – Accelerators are at the forefront of contemporary research in fundamental physics. They allow to reach very high energies, released in a very small region for a very short time. [Read more]
Il materiale del presente corso è disponibile solo in lingua inglese
Categoria consigliata: STUDENTI